速報APP / 生產應用 / Smart BMS RAX






版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



聯絡地址:1/81, Varadharaja Perumal Koil Street, Sithalapakkam, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, 600126 India

Smart BMS RAX(圖1)-速報App

The native application for Smart Home BMS is uniquely designed and developed to work with rax-tech make Home BMS hardware & associated accessories. Using the application, one can monitor and control the entire home in a very simple way.

Application features:

Smart BMS RAX(圖2)-速報App

● Monitor the status of each electronic security sensors connected with the hardware.

● Get notifications in case of any alert conditions from the hardware like PIR, door sensor, gas leakage, high temperature, panic etc.

Smart BMS RAX(圖3)-速報App

● Control room wise each one of the electrical circuits like lights, Fans, Air conditioners etc, connected with the hardware.

● Auto /by-pass mode for each electrical circuit.

Smart BMS RAX(圖4)-速報App

● In/out/sleep mode for alert communication through Calls/SMS/hooter

● Any time surveillance view through the application.

Smart BMS RAX(圖5)-速報App

● Monitor data like power, temperature, humidity, water level, water consumption, gas consumption etc.

● Option to maintain each room in the energy saving mode or auto mode.

Smart BMS RAX(圖6)-速報App

● Any time anywhere monitoring through your smart phone or tablet using internet.Feel the comfort of using the application through local WiFi when you are in the home.

● Very easy to configure & use.

Smart BMS RAX(圖7)-速報App

● Configurable with multiple hardware locations in a single user application.

● Generate EB bill and compare all month with units in chart view.

Smart BMS RAX(圖8)-速報App